Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Zoe Bohlender

Right now I am watching a beautiful little baby girl (Zoe) who is the adopted daughter of Randy and Kelsey Bohlender. She is absolutely gorgeous, and she's from Nevada, so that makes her even cooler.

Well, Tuesday was the beginning of ninety days of consecration for the Evening Section (6pm-Midnight) at IHOP. We're about to come into a huge shift in the Prayer Room in partnership with GODTV, and before it happens, we're committing ourselves to the Lord.

In April, they will be filming live 24/7,which is a dynamic reality for the nations, but a sobering one for us here at IHOP. Most of the time, it is not lack or smallness that tests the heart, but actually it is prosperity that is the hardest test, as it is so easy to be deceived and get off track because of the multitude and the many. We don't want to be those who have a reputation of devotion and look spiritual, but on the inside be dead and man-pleasing.

Anyway, all that to say that we are coming into a new season of corporate life that's pushing me to get my personal life on track. Exciting, but revealing. I've been praying through 1 John lately, and I love his honesty. He's not afraid to draw the line between truth and presumption. It's causing me to go, "okay, how much does my life actually line up with 1 John 5:2?"

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